Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Family First

I take Kenpo Karate and it has been great, nothing makes you forget the stress of dealing with an autistic son better than knowing that if you lose focus you could get hit. My wonderful wife and I have worked it out so that I can attend Kenpo for 4 hours a week. This places a significant burden on the wife as she has already had Jesse for the entire day, she is exhausted.

Yesterday I learned that I may not be able to continue:

Sifu #1: Jimmy when are you going to be able to stay an extra hour for Combat class?
Me: (Explains briefly that I am blessed to get the time I do)
Sifu #2: Sounds like a pussy excuse not to do combat.
Me (Walks away)

Sorry that the compromises I have to make don't meet your expectations.

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